Business Process Automation

Thanks to our customized solutions for competitive, software-driven business processes, you are more intelligent and efficient than your competitors.
The unique value of your products and services lies in your unique processes, way of cooperating with your clients, and your specialist knowledge. These cannot be captured in standard software.
Moreover, the software no longer supports your process. Software is the process. No software, no business. We analyze your business process and invent, design, build, manage, and continuously improve the technology that makes it successful.
We work in three phases:

Invent & Design
The first phase, Invent & Design, is all about “the question behind the question”. For a good design, we first find out where we can find the most value in the process and why. Then, we conduct interviews and workshops, write a plan, develop mock-ups and prototypes, and estimate costs.
We also think carefully about what we won’t build. For example, we usually leave the dashboarding and reporting functionality to your BI specialists and those of your client. That saves time and money. We live in a world full of data flows and APIs, so it goes without saying that a combined full-code and low-code platform fully supports them. If you have to custom-build every integration, the advantages of these platforms quickly disappear.
We help you make the right assessment between standard functionality, configuration options, personalization capabilities, and low-code extensions while ensuring your software remains efficiently manageable at all times. If you choose low-code, the platform must support the entire application lifecycle. Different data model versions, user interfaces, and functionality can coexist without affecting the implementation of updates or further development.
In the Build phase, we look for the balance between the ‘now’ and the future. For now, you want your system ready quickly. But the future demands flexibility and agility. So, we are always prepared for multi-tenancy: usability by multiple companies, departments, and clients in various languages and corporate identities. Linked, of course, to our own Identity & Access Management (IAM) and with an excellent division between application-specific functionality and adaptable business logic for compliance with legislation and internal standards.
Speaking of the future, we also manage your platform for you and continuously develop it. This enables you to quickly turn new processes, business models, and developments that no one could see coming into value.
For the further development, optimization, management and operations phase, Blis Digital offers a specialist approach from our co-location in Kaunas, Lithuania. Blis provides a fully managed DevOps team with experience and specialism to take full responsibility for roadmap, quality, process and customer satisfaction.
Want to know more?
Your gold is in your processes. Shall we start getting it out together?