Unleash the power of technology
Expertise & Technology

We love to inspire our clients to use the power of technology to revolutionize and improve their business. We gladly share our knowledge and offer our support.
For mission-critical solutions, only the best technological building blocks are good enough. So, we follow the leading technology vendors and technologies closely, test-run everything, and select the best ingredients for our solutions.
For us, these include:
- Microsoft technology; we have profound knowledge of .NET, Microsoft Power Platform, Azure, and Azure DevOps for fast development and deployment of services and applications. We use NET MAUI for cross-platform applications that work on iOS, iPadOS, Android, MacOS, and Windows.
- Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana; (together the ELK stack) provide analytics, search, data processing, data ingestion, data transformation, and visualization.
- Machine learning and AI; on Azure and AWS.
- Front-end frameworks; We know Vue.js and Angular well, but we keep a close eye on alternatives, such as ‘live’ server-side rendering with Blazor and LiveView. Once we see value in that, we can offer this technology.
- We use Cypress for front-end testing;
- SonarCloud for source code quality and security, and;
- WhiteSource for security, licensing, and update management of dependencies.
Discover more about our expertise.
To realize solutions quickly, we often use existing technology as a foundation. And sometimes, we develop technology that we bring to the market as a product as a part of the Blis Digital range or as a separate company.